Source of Information

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Source of Information

Sources of Information

The period between 500 BCE and 300 CE is known as the Sangam Age in Tamil Nadu. In Tamil, sangam means ‘assembly’. The works of the Sangam poets were compiled in several books. This collection of works came to be called Sangam literature. Several outstanding literary works belong to this period, for example, Tolkappian, the book of grammar, and Tirukural, the book of wisdom. The Sangam literature gives us a detailed account about the life of the Tamil people 2000 years ago. It describes the armies and battles, merchants and crafts, code of conduct for the rulers and the ruled, and rituals and festivals. A parts Sangam literature, other sources of information about Tamizhagam include inscriptions found in caves, pottery, monument and coins.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

In Tamil Nadu the period between 500 BCE and 300 BCE is known as___________

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

Sangam literature is :

Right Option : D
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Question : 3

Which of the followings is the earliest works in Tamil ?

Right Option : C
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